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Wear is inevitable, and for some that means a complete annual renovation, but if that is not possible or undesirable, Barenbrug Sport RPR Sport Grass Seed can help. Its unique blend of regenerating perennial ryegrasses copes with high use to maintain the playing surface throughout the year.

The unique component of RPR SPORT is Barlibro, a Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR), the result of detailed research and trials, which produces determinate stolons, resulting in excellent ground cover with unparalleled capacity for recovery.
RPR SPORT is strengthened with the highly rated Barcristalla and Barorlando, which add a stronger genetic green colour with proven wear tolerance.
RPR innovation
Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR) is a group of cultivars bred from Barenbrug’s grass breeding stations that delivers unparalleled recovery from wear and a naturally self-regenerating growth habit.
- Faster establishment compared to normal perennial ryegrasses, particularly ‘fill-in’ between disc-seeding lines or in golf divot repair
- Gives a very dense sward, excellent wear tolerance and unparalleled recovery after wear
- Added traction strength due to interconnected plants, RPR’s creeping growth habit helps fill in sand slits and drainage lines
Normal perennial ryegrasses exhibit a purely tufted growth habit, with limited sidewards growth. Barenbrug’s unique RPR cultivar, Barlibro, produces determinate stolons (see image below) (a stem that grows below the ground surface) as it establishes and grows.
The determinate stolons are growth shoots emerging from auxiliary buds at the base of each plant. When an RPR plant is damaged, creating space, determinate stolons will grow horizontally into the empty space and develop roots. Each RPR plant connects to other plants and into the top layer of the soil; this produces a network of stolons.
Our unique products that utilise the RPR technology - RPR Sport, RPR Golf, RPR Sprint - are blends of hard-wearing perennial ryegrasses and the RPR cultivar, Barlibro, for the renovation and construction of elite winter sports pitches, racecourses, and golf courses.

The lateral growth habit results in fast establishment between seeding lines and unparalleled capacity for recovery after and during wear.
In the Bag
Percentage |
Cultivars |
Type |
50% |
Barlibro |
RPR Perennial ryegrass |
25% |
Barcristalla |
Perennial ryegrass |
25% |
Barorlando |
Perennial ryegrass |
*Cultivars and percentages subject to change from the manufacturer
Sowing Rate |
Sowing Depth |
Oversowing Rate |
Mowing Height |
30 - 50 g sq.m |
10 - 15 mm < thatch |
15 - 30 g sq.m |
down to 18 mm |