Collier Turf Care 2023/24 Product Guide

88 COLLIER SPORTS © ‘ Gras Guy ’ Ice Ban (Liquid Salt) A fast acting liquid de-icer which is an environmentally friendly and non-corrosive alternative to salt. Pack coverage 550 sq.m 10 ltr Salt Granular (Broste De-icing) White Non-staining white rock salt which is for use on car parks, footpaths, walkways, tee mats and driveways. Application rate various 25 kg Salt Bin Yellow, heavy duty, impact resistant salt bin. Large Heavy Duty 400 ltr capacity. Polyshovel 18” 18” poly shovel with wooden handle. Polar Tuff Scraper 36” 36” scraper with fibreglass handle. Polar Tuff Plough 39” Bi-directional snow plough simple and easy to use. Penguin SnoBoss A specially designed ergonomic snow shovel with a 19.5” wide head. Supaturf SSD 60 Drop Spreader A simple and economic solution to salt spreading. This spreader is ideal for pathways, small areas, and suitable for rock salt, processed salt and Vitax Ice Free. 27 kg capacity Winter Products Liquid Salt Granular Salt Polar Tuff Plough 39’’ Polar Tuff Scraper 36’’ Polyshovel 18” Salt Bin Penguin SnoBoss Supaturf SSD 60