Collier Turf Care 2023/24 Product Guide

55 COLLIER SPORTS © ‘ Gras Guy ’ Prestige Super Infiltrate Liquid A special blend of penetrants and wetting agents which remove excess moisture from the playing surface moving it down through the root zone. This produces a drier, firmer surface, helps with disease prevention and creates air channels within water logged pore spaces. 10 ltr Coverage 10,000 sq.m Also available in 200 ltr Prestige Super Fairway Liquid Three modes of action giving excellent wetting and water retention, optimising penetration and lateral water movement in the root zone. Lasts up to 4 weeks and can be tank mixed with Prestige Super Fairway plus iron. 10 ltr Coverage 5,000 sq.m Also available in 200 ltr Prestige Super Replenish Plus A unique monthly applied surfactant based on a co-block polymer formulation. Excellent water penetration to enhance the management of water, moisture content and air within the rootzone. 10 ltr Coverage 5,000 sq.m Prestige Super Replenish Fairway Plus Super Replenish Fairway Plus is a blend of Co Block Polymer surfactants a cost effective formulation designed for outfield and higher cuts of grass areas. 200 ltr Programmed use 200,000 sq.m Curative use 100,000 sq.m Vitax Early Start A highly efficient dew dispersant which lasts for approximately 3 weeks. Used in the autumn and winter it is very effective in removing dew from the surface, reducing the need to manually switch the greens surface. 2 ltr Coverage 10,000 sq.m Vitax Ultraflo Advance A superior long term non-ionic wetting agent with a new and improved formulation which remains effective for longer and increases turf grass safety. 10 ltr Coverage 2,000 - 4,000 sq.m Prestige Super Dew Clear A specially formulated dew suppressant which lasts up to three weeks. Applied in the autumn and winter it is very effective in preventing dew forming on the surface. 5 ltr Coverage 25,000 - 41,600 sq.m Prestige Super Lawn Wetting Agent A unique monthly applied surfactant formulated specifically for lawns. Based on a formulation to ensure water is dispersed from the surface down through the soil and holding water at the roots. 1 ltr Coverage 500 sq.m Liquid Wetting Agents / Dew Dispersants Vitax Early Start Super Dew Clear Vitax Ultraflo Advance Super Replenish Plus